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The implementation of the Scrum framework goes beyond what may be written in the SBOK (Scrum body of knowledge), which is basically the guide where the events, artifacts and roles are described. Scrum seen in greater depth implies more than the application of a methodology, it implies changes in the organizational culture and in the mentality of the different roles involved.
In short, it is a challenge to try to change the mentality of people and the organizational culture of a company, generally human beings are rooted to the customs and what traditionally has been working properly, and when an idea of change that takes us out of our "comfort zone" is presented, no matter how good it is, most of the time we resist to that change and its implications.
Throughout my experience with the Scrum framework, I have seen that the implementation of this framework within a company, in a way can be compared to a soccer match, but you may wonder how they can be similar; the answer is that in soccer, we know the rules to play, but nobody tells us how to act on the field, nobody tells us how we should kick the ball, if we should run faster or slower, at what time we should make a pass or when to take an opportunity to shoot at the goal.
From a certain point of view this happens with Scrum, "we know the rules of the game" but nobody tells us which tools to use, how to organize the stages or who are the right people to perform each role within the team.
Considering the above, for me there are four aspects that will allow us to advance adequately in the adoption of the Scrum framework:
Adopting the Scrum framework is not easy but I suggest the following to achieve it in an effective way:
Changes will never be easy, but in most cases they will lead to great growth in the short and medium term.
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